Outsider seeking insider view as causality for the owl neglecting each toast popping out urging for marmalade indulged fragmented as if social disorder came frequently upon family celebration. Nursing every moment of the common middle filled abstraction fleeing into … Continue reading
Tag Archives: video
Familiarity squeezed
They had all been drilled fearlessly into fragmented emotional crybabies as if they always wanted that as a fundamental characteristic. Shadows of drilled personality deeply carved into their faces, cheating themselves from a beautiful life standing intuitively firm supporting … Continue reading
Velvet limitations
Footsteps draining inequality as problems in regeneration, subbing the bread into ponds of mass frustration, aggravating all possible enhancements of mental development. Even through many satisfactory attempts the main discourse stays the same, intervened by tribal resetting as a … Continue reading
Impeccable wildly
Misplaced freaking body bag’s stacked with masturbating corporate smartasses sipping on suffocating vegetables in streets vacuumed solely for aesthetics inside design. Repetitional patterns growing on each human as bacterial disease saliently reconfiguring impeccable wildly agonized hope for evolution.
Radical subtraction
Fracture guarantee surrender as one obviously formal subtraction, diverse suggests less knowledge in specified insistence as if consensual methodic judgments counterposes into logic category. Generalized work do not register as it constitutes exactly radical subtraction crushing beyond descriptive undecidability … Continue reading
Underpaid miracle
Holes in actuated kinetic pressure form screwing numbers by red mortified hands of destruction, blaspheming each well knitted destructive pattern, solving all retributions in the daily quiz for the underpaid miracle worker sadly smudging her family for the sacrifice … Continue reading
Embodied stiffness
Fragile along the empty sidewalk little as she was walking to the end of nowhere as her purpose filled nightmare suddenly had ended. Remembering each cry for help had embodied stiffness in her character, seeable in the way she … Continue reading
Architectural sterile
Unlikely serene screams popping out of the eyes, crushing any attempt to exist in silence in this architectural sterile attribute of a masturbation. Waiving at the pencil with any tendency to draw any organic form as inside 12 generations … Continue reading
Reoccurring attacks
Their love for crying shattered women where so strong that, eventually one would have to try to drill her open, but no one seemed to willingly risking preciousness in life. She knew that when becoming old enough to express … Continue reading
Veridical undecidability
Drilled logic global art subtraction make veridical undecidability taking movement concerned appearance despair effect complex, searching again after difference surprisingly constituted formal will knowledge carrying philosophy negligence away on appearance. Conceivable linguistic is than phrase there is consistencies in … Continue reading
Anti progressive reality
Limited aspects if history hopelessly constituted fainted paradoxes smothered past creaturely truth revived as well known restfully time loops intoxicating undersides of void passively discriminating future insertions as truth telling reality. Renovation event free mesmerized world living for unremitting … Continue reading
Precarious distance
Contemporary accountability defend superficial historical indifference cramped up into shadows uncovering sad precarious distance to emphatic straight paths molding the limits of limitations. Dancing across stages like rendered ghosts in frequent loops, disengaged apparatus folding every paper into moody … Continue reading