Refueling toys with narrative in excessive search for childhood memories reconnoitering secretly as legitimized existence neatly fulfill falsified vain. Frenzied staring onto speeded endurance in convulsions easily served to cover the fatigue ideal squeezed out and above every afflictive … Continue reading
Tag Archives: video
Coherent nastiness
Throwing aggression through the throat while spinning each tone to the max, stepping into mental toxins as a search for coherent nastiness deprived from acceptable universal agreements. Wondering why leeching mindless games absorbs staring at glances ringing repetitions like … Continue reading
Privacy stripped
Grasping paths of mirrored tricks forcing their way past the backgrounds unhappy gap between narrow silences and screaming loneliness smiled her right in her audacity. Waiting timelessly as shadows passes through forcible glass nightmares of privacy stripped lofts, contaminated … Continue reading
Solutions of solidarity
Paradoxical to opposition neutral, the focusing on directly essentialist’s leaves only rests behind focusing on malfunctioned generations of theoretic attempt, to solve solutions of solidarity in naturalized community culturalization. Wearing opposed regimes to identity is historically universal obsessively difficult, … Continue reading
Delivering uncertainty
Surprised by fake undoing to become the final ass of structure, delivering uncertainty until the end of spasms corrugated into paper haikus of bondage erected mental dreams, reflecting back upon data designed shoes making every fetishist eyeballing the actual … Continue reading
Mandatory idiocracy
Why these humans end there, is mystically indifference to other than perseveration of prehistorically mandatory idiocracy dressed in the tale of democracy and relived as dictatorial childhood unsatisfactory trails wrapped up as pride.
Bypassing wheels
Poisoning everybody with gestures handing deathly doors to bypassing wheels of fortune, stepping on crossroads like empty gasoline tanks of desperate thoughts. Masking every idea into perplexing disconfigured stirrings while strings of pain rinse down the spine scarring anyone … Continue reading
Architectural backbone
The paternally smiling angry protected from salvation by frontiers lovingly ironing every wrinkle flat, solely as over expiation for forced loneliness. Wondering why she harden personally since everybody seemed nicely suggesting another sacrificed happiness for speculating in the width … Continue reading
Disorderly noise
Bleeding formalistic measures untreated like fame of the famous flute playing blonde yelling for attention in the radio sphere, overacting in parallel universes only understandable for mathematicians accepting abstraction as a language. Nurturing small aerial moments like it will … Continue reading
Defined schizophrenic
Filtering each good idea from the essential realized contextual reality for negligence filled appraisals casting each character in the political play as the outmost defined schizophrenic clown. Humble losers crawling back to their mansions of pain while licking their … Continue reading
Nomadic offensive
Peripheral superficial overturned fear calculates every sign to be eventually the end of happy leisure in endless non-stopping nomadic offensive diabolical formalistic pleasure zones.
Immortalized monstrosity
Stressed she passes empty space filled with people of gender formed fences clinging onto their existence as immortalized monstrosity with hard skin on the surface and decomposition filling the inside. The idea of fear in the endless village nightmare … Continue reading