Solely walking between walls of people covered by miasmatic talk, unlikely intervening more closely than the surface they are sharing. These humans plastered fiercely into knitted symbiosis crying maturely fake sentences alluring far disapproving looks, while aching a lover’s … Continue reading
Tag Archives: video
Repetitional procreation
Unknowing that their fateful obedience to power will endlessly rewrite any idea of historical stamps, since this submission repeatedly through history has proven too be fatal. This do not though in repetitional procreation seed even more idiotic dreamscapes dressed … Continue reading
Inhumane mirrors
Facilitating morality with cascades meeting together unfortunately like dancers inflicted by lovable trust nursing the ride to hell. Tracing appreciation into endless swings performing satisfaction for traditional inhumane mirrors reflecting moonlight on the horizontal traces ironing numbness on stretched … Continue reading
Unlimited indifferent
Satisfied with the heartless dissection of desperately seeking the blues as unlimited indifferent echoes grow dog shit on the pavement of every decent neighborhood in sacrifices for searching mental affliction. Slowly friction drift fallaciously straight into the puddle of … Continue reading
Hammering distressfulness
Whispering nostalgic steering wonderfully saturated from everything involuntarily glancing at futures painful choices hammering distressfulness firmly onto screaming gas pipes hauling forgiveness.
Egoistic subjectivism
Ashamed eccentric subordinate of unresolved attitude feed dogmatic liberalism into a political similar respectless culture strange, advocating for deconstructive experiences injections eating whatever notion in flexible. Harboring problems to the responsibility in very sharply grounding estimative trans-national incidentally empirical … Continue reading
Sinister plastic
Shaking every sinister plastic fertilized thought as clear staggering upon lights of sampled uncertainties open my mouth, like smiled cane sugar squirted into painting on walls of the white cube. Purple strings of viola overtones cascading suddenly opened consequences … Continue reading
Reformational progression
Remembering fear like scars grapping firmly onto spineless love effectuated in the face of any stranger. Expressive constellations deforming every smiling faces fishing for appreciation in her unfulfilled reformational progression. Vastly enjoying every experience to cover the entire diagnosis … Continue reading
Incentive squealing
Sitting unhappy on the blazing stones, unsatisfied holding three doors unlocked in the palm of future, incentive squealing for a choice, like reactions to a death sentence in shape of Latin communication on a doctors office. Deform meandering in … Continue reading
Fortunes circumcised
Swinging wildly while passing tunnels nursing logistic reinvention of natures call for manual labor guessing that their future misbehave as badly as frustrated middle class kids hitting horse tranquilizer. Sucking the last infernality out of decency making alternate levels … Continue reading
Universal opposition
Begging for free space inside the cognitive sphere, likewise outside in the social constructed idea of free will, nabbing as romanticized outdoor Kantian immemorial universal opposition. Innermost thinking is true in traditional structural systems, but proudly of adolescent’s culturalist … Continue reading
Generating misconception
Molding everybody else in the perfect illusion that suffocates visionary coexistence between self projected egoistic central meltdown and the actual reflective existence of real democracy. Spastic unfolded contraction always seeks to drag political characters back into power related patterns … Continue reading