Horizontal stairways folded affection stretching along exhibitionistic patterns making distressing calls for hopeful help as inverting the act itself becomes contraction. Continual malpractices emptying stimulated playfulness fleeing from boredoms booby-trap filled extension of death silence.
Tag Archives: video
Eclectically suppressed
Idyllic wrinkles masturbate frames upon actuality remembering for seconds that stretch sadness will postpone unlikely stringy fear of modulability. Eclectically suppressed into she of strange as bluing out any remembrance with national conservation techniques inside blinding reasons for conquest.
Serial understanding
Anticipating terms crackling the pot on superficial lean structures holding firmly at the grip of measurement dribbling action after action on the bruised negligence. Dealing with sticks poking alarmingly deep into suffering maliciously seeking routes further for the beneficial serial … Continue reading
Historically pathetic
Even though her relational effectiveness developed through times frequently levels of non-critical widespread fragments splitting the entire concept. Fornicating under the bridge of agony while tourists dwell on repetitious streams twisted into goldmine formed endless talks about historically pathetic glorification … Continue reading
Squeezed outside
Unforgiving passing bruises handouts listening to embarrassing littering squeezed outside the safe sphere likely causing battles disguised in domestic excusable acceptance. Readiness smiles superstitiously and frank on the idea of darkness as if sideways calculate indecision in all mind blows.
Cogently again
She would tamper with logic to emphasize self indulgence, past on through generations circumvented narrowly by nanometers of precision. The apartment was for a while mourning along the dreaming facts there endlessly surrounds meaningful approaches to fleeringly dreams crushed cogently … Continue reading
Madness cuddling
Ghostly rides emotionally over lunch flapping foreseeable boat rides dressing the inside of glasses firmly trivial with drunkenness. Neatly affirming grown memories seeing balance reading sadness for chess playing madness cuddling real time patterns bended clockwise for anemones swimming supposedly … Continue reading
Abrade structure
Stepping into life’s many regrettable choices fondling in blue darkness by methods of abrade structure, sampling every deplorable moment into a whole self imposed universe of politics. These aggressive mentally deficient elements running for office, smiling their money machine right … Continue reading
Mental lubrication
Eventually ending each characterful persuasion as if it never existed more than in the mental lubrication between the ears and the narrative acoustic echo of every childhood bully in there conductive membrane.
Validating trends
Forceful happiness captured waiting natively while broomsticks waiving sadly death as small signs of weakness plastered on the benches painful design. Suffocating candy validating trends of idiotic mortal abuse circulating between nasty mental deranged ideological foreseeable narcissistic personalities.
Inhumane patterns
Endlessly she seek her finalized destiny but the mist reveals bags filled with body parts belonging to a wheelchair of fortune, sliding past the back showing historic ideal design. Hidden behind a weal of distorted inhumane patterns forced upon … Continue reading
Defective human
These monsters urging for the everlasting reflection mirrored thribble times eight before they understand that the idea of masturbatory ruling always ends in remembrance of how ugly defective human being is insufficient created. Lacking any resemblance to any other … Continue reading