Slamming every probability in the argument for the sole purpose of triangulated pinpoints in timeless functionality lured into small aggressions of purifying the straight line. Deducting fearlessly paper from dirt while turning probability into shooting targets meandering through wheels of … Continue reading
Tag Archives: video
Satisfied dreams
Flamboyant Tetris solely underestimated factual delusions between straight and twisted lines, bending every opportunity to wrap a single stroke in frequently satisfied dreams of the right answer to mankind’s position in the endlessly big idea of space.
Furnished satisfactory
Unfolded mindset craves some spastic demolition inside the deranged unpolished furnished satisfactory idea that life is endlessly evolving into a complete self-understanding there shows the old wiser human, but the mere fact is the older you get the more pathetic … Continue reading
Fortified writings
Scars carved in the memory of satisfied towels hanging naturally in shadows like sharp unanswered drills sleeping neatly while keys of fortified writings masturbate generations silenced.
Faces bewildered
Mastering forcible inquisitive twisted faces bewildered by the sands of Sahara drifting down on the actual melodic string bringing mouth saliva until the final limit becomes hairy distinctions.
Exhaustive drive
Passionate closure facilitate rain full acquisitions based on the talkative time settings sharpening like burning apologies for exhaustive drive through unbearable conversations.
Essential disagreement
Searching for alleys with dashing ideas of enlightened hidings seeing augmented screams forcing the tunnels of closed encounters riding with gates growing essential disagreement in bowls of shuffled words.
Momentarily fascination
Over bended fragile face holding pose shinning momentarily fascination with masturbatory outcome laughing at the tranquility of happy twinkles in anonymity, holding life’s every possessions in a plastic bag.
Unforgettable tune
Choiceness fearfully stare on the pavements historical definition render some fait inside the reality wrapped personality wondering when endless aggression will cease-fire. Surrounded by speed any relaxed outstretched woman in cow outfit will drink sadly to the end of any … Continue reading
Faceless strangers
Persuasive upper lip redefines timeless eyes like green architecture provide by romanticized scary walks in straight lines and designer jeans. Concentrated in hanging reflections starring directly at the unfolded natural painting sitting in the corner just above faceless strangers pretending … Continue reading
Spectacular performance
Playing the meat like it was a unforeseeable choice coming direct from the animals dream of an entertaining afterlife. Drilling the vegetables into b-minor for a spectacular performance in a sociologic determined champagne floating fantasy, sobbing every realistic overtone into … Continue reading
General unconformity
Satisfied drops of joy smiles distressed at the rainbows careless journey through the grey landscape, despitefully changing the premises for future predictions on color in grey. Vacuuming the streets for the annual reason that style inhabits general unconformity in the … Continue reading