Starring at the yellow substance pouring out of the jar into a blonde screaming like the chalk against the blackboard. Such painful memories of unfulfilled human beings projecting their actual failure upon others in their search for relieve. Casting … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Copenhagen
Characterized unceasingly
Picking moments like flowers reflecting derived thoughts raining escapades down to the stream floating deprived restlessness characterized unceasingly smelly for a stage of that kind. She would presumably like every one to be helped, but unfortunately the saneness she … Continue reading
Rosewater unplaced
The dark hallway plunged the idea that a spatial radical movement would lurk some devils out in the outside daylight. Unfortunately the number 44 followed every step of the way, like flying teapots is a proof of nothing. The … Continue reading
Commercial invigilance
Documents of facial prints arrest historical shinning aggressive chases through shifting laughs, potentially degenerated as commercial invigilance drifting through phases of frequent repetition disguised in wrapped tendencies while everything pause.
Synergetic process
Instructing every sign to smile like amaranthine tokens of historical proportions, casting every actor as if needles on the inside if the t-shirt will ever motivate a smile in the face on the cord of f-minor. Happily pushing each … Continue reading
Wordily impatience
Deadly search for relinquish fatal obsession beaming its lazy unforgettable penetration into each silently dropped pinch of aesthetic hope waiting until it’s over. Raining until hopes for relief comes wistfully outside every attempt to avoid any feeling shaking the … Continue reading
Deathly doors
Poisoning everybody with gestures handing deathly doors to bypassing wheels of fortune, stepping on crossroads like empty gasoline tanks of desperate thoughts. Masking every idea into perplexing disconfigured stirrings while strings of pain rinse down the spine scarring anyone … Continue reading
Sarcastically suppression
Screaming drop filled accusations on the melted surface, but still standing bright and nourished, echoing each corner walking by with a sarcastically suppression of reality in self. Jumping mentally between endless floods of streaming arguments, searching teasingly with others … Continue reading
Malgracious efficiency
Deciphering sadly momentarily loops suddenly intertextual nightmares, claiming the hills of narrative anthropological pain, living inside post colonial attempts to regenerate new illusions based upon carrying old themes with style. Reinvention blinds the historical facts with the urge for … Continue reading
Devastating to the privacy
Measuring each bottle slide into the systematic folded precariously loved release boxes, condemned by shadows in fear filled castles of particular target groups treated like pigs in the mud field. Saving minutes of silence while the expanding noise alters … Continue reading
Concrete entrances
Finally happy bended expressions rides like the passion through concrete entrances, while firmly locked trees forgive their leaves for abandoning the sinking laugh. Expanding her freedom from a bottle into disruption by killing every opportunity to become appreciated, traveled … Continue reading
Tribal disadvantage
Precariously rendering a fulfilled moment, dashing like sudden frequencies of linguistic abbreviations lying on the floors with the broken coffee cup. The spill spreads slowly into ancestral dust filled cracks in the 200 year old floor, pertaining history where … Continue reading