Passionate closure facilitate rain full acquisitions based on the talkative time settings sharpening like burning apologies for exhaustive drive through unbearable conversations.
Tag Archives: Copenhagen
Essential disagreement
Searching for alleys with dashing ideas of enlightened hidings seeing augmented screams forcing the tunnels of closed encounters riding with gates growing essential disagreement in bowls of shuffled words.
Momentarily fascination
Over bended fragile face holding pose shinning momentarily fascination with masturbatory outcome laughing at the tranquility of happy twinkles in anonymity, holding life’s every possessions in a plastic bag.
Unforgettable tune
Choiceness fearfully stare on the pavements historical definition render some fait inside the reality wrapped personality wondering when endless aggression will cease-fire. Surrounded by speed any relaxed outstretched woman in cow outfit will drink sadly to the end of any … Continue reading
Faceless strangers
Persuasive upper lip redefines timeless eyes like green architecture provide by romanticized scary walks in straight lines and designer jeans. Concentrated in hanging reflections starring directly at the unfolded natural painting sitting in the corner just above faceless strangers pretending … Continue reading
Spectacular performance
Playing the meat like it was a unforeseeable choice coming direct from the animals dream of an entertaining afterlife. Drilling the vegetables into b-minor for a spectacular performance in a sociologic determined champagne floating fantasy, sobbing every realistic overtone into … Continue reading
General unconformity
Satisfied drops of joy smiles distressed at the rainbows careless journey through the grey landscape, despitefully changing the premises for future predictions on color in grey. Vacuuming the streets for the annual reason that style inhabits general unconformity in the … Continue reading
Deconstructed liberation
Tasteless passions stretching the carrot even longer into signs of indifference digging the grave for futuristic involvements created by real expressions. Post revolutionary sad deconstructed liberation hanging from window-shopping displays impressed by romanticized clichés impassionedly unpacking frames after frames of … Continue reading
Sculptural formations
Holding the upper expression for the articulated illimitable occasion firmly inbound swaying for spineless floating in impression subtracted from eventuality. Dealing with promoted supportive sculptural formations folded as confirmations between the equality and deformity participating in choiceness forced into the … Continue reading
Irreversible stretches
Sad irreversible stretches lack actuality dominated by consensus filled relations deeply grounded in humane emphatic cries for real madness. Flying dreams of destructive beauty cascade along paths molded in electric bits facilitated downwards into growing dark thoughts reflected in poor … Continue reading
Sarcastically defined
Trying to grab something to hold on to, everybody attempt not to be pretentious and selective, but every moment diverse all into a neurotic frantic whirling spasms through their entire spine, sailing from sarcastically defined ideas of sensibility towards hard … Continue reading
Swaying straight
Sliding tactics bending straight light waves in spinning circulated loops reflecting handheld blues scratching the surface smiling right like ineligible left in the face. Touching the self communicative high swaying straight in the red sky, waiting for scars to reappear … Continue reading